Accident Investigation


Finding the cause of accidents and incidents and acting on their causes will prevent or reduce the possibility of them re-occurring and can have a huge benefit on many aspects of a business, such as:

Most importantly, it helps to ensure that you and all your personnel go home every night safe and sound to their families.

We offer reactive monitoring and workplace accident investigation service

In the event an accident occurs, Seaham Safety Services Limited can offer a reactive monitoring and workplace accident investigation service. The results gathered from the investigation could be helpful in defending your organisation, should you be facing action from enforcement authorities or a compensation claim. Reactive Monitoring is carried out after things go wrong and involves learning from your mistakes whether they have resulted in injuries, illness, property damage or near misses.

Workplace Accident Investigation is used to determine the cause of an accident and identify any failure of the health and safety management system. It allows measures to be put into place and management procedures to be amended in order to prevent re-occurrences.

Workplace accident investigation reports may be used to defend any legal action against your organisation as they show that you are actively trying to reduce the possibility of re-occurrences.

Seaham Safety Services Ltd

We can carry out the workplace accident investigation and report on any accidents or incidents in compliance with the RIDDOR regulations on your behalf.

our process

The process involved in investigating serious accidents may include:

Please note this service can be included as part of our support contracts excluding the contact support contract.

Interested? Please contact us for further information or a free consultation with one of our Health and Safety experts. 

If you would like to enquire about any of our scheduled or in-house courses or discuss any other requirements, please call 0191 5818400 or email